Desert Bloom Astrology


Imagine you have a blueprint to your soul, a roadmap to the very center of your being. Would you be brave enough to look at it, learn about it, trust it and follow your path?

Astrology is the study of celestial movement, the relationships it creates and the intrinsic patterns it unfolds. It is the wisdom of our ancestors, an ancient art form of archetypal interconnectedness based upon our observations of the sky above, correlated with our observations of unfolding events upon our Earth below. It shines light into the hidden places of our existence.

Our chart is the blueprint of our Soul.

 “As above, so below, as within, so without, as the Universe, so the Soul." --  Hermes Trismegistus

Desert Bloom Astrology assists Souls who want to know more about their true nature but don’t know how to read blueprints!

Who are you meant to be? Let’s get started…

Mary Sutton